Monday, January 4, 2010

Baby Viral Fever Does Anyone Know How Long The Incubation Prd Is For Viral Fever Also How Long Am I Contagious?

Does anyone know how long the incubation prd is for viral fever also how long am i contagious? - baby viral fever

Tuesday evening my wife started a little fever. Married to 2, I'm running Thurs morning ran 102.7 shows no sign of a type of bacterial infection and not with a cold or flu, bronchitis, go with this fever. Tomorrow, I felt good DO called my wife to the doctor and he said it is a viral fever. 've Never heard of the plague or something, is my concern that I have a 3 months old baby at home and is killed RSV have onnly second Monday and I know that if you do it in restaurants for a long time. I've tried the whole internet is disgusting after an incubation period of the embryo, can not find it one'm the search for a period of contagion, as the search ... How do I know if I do not contagoious more and can no longer use these effin surgical masks to my boy .... someone please help!


rk s said...

In the most common viral infections such as colds, coughs, viral,'s mouth, head or foot disease, influenza and viral sore throat, no fever, and the incubation period is 1 6 days.One fever is contagious, it works. In others, serious infections such as chickenpox, measles, German, or roseola, the incubation period is longer, days.It as 8 to 21 is always recommended, in addition to other symptoms related to the disappearance of eruptions crusty remains contagious until the fever is gone.Therefore I think you should take precautions until the fever is gone.

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